The main reason I have created this blog is to track my own progress and keep myself motivated by being able to physically see how far I have come over the period as well as sharing any of my experiences along the way and hopefully helping other people learn from what I do or don't do.
Who am I?
Nobody. I'm just your average accountant, I have far from the perfect training conditions, my working hours are erratic, I won't know what time I'm leaving the office until I arrive in the morning, my place of work and commute times vary week by week as well as the facilities for storing and preparing food at lunch times.
I want to stress that I'm not doing this as a professional or as someone who has dedicated their lives towards fitness so that people can see what is achievable even with the most demanding of work schedules, my typical working week is about 60 hours and between January and March I'm usually in the office before my gym opens and still there when it closes so if I can make progress then anyone can!
What am I doing?
Well I have just emerged from a year of getting in shape, but more importantly a 16 week period of cutting and fat stripping which consisted of NO CARDIO and a lot of intermitant fasting, which I loved.
Now I am looking to add some mass, I have a big holiday coming up in December 2014 (it's May 2013 now) and as it's summer where I am going on holiday I want to be in fantastic shape, so the plan is to "Slow-Bulk" or "Leangain" for 17 Months (until September 2014) before cutting just before my holiday.
I am going to be tracking my weights, workouts, bodyfat %, all of my meals and macros and posting them in here to see how it goes as well as anything else that crops up. Party so I have a record of my progress and partly for the accountability it provides, if I slack off and miss my macros or don't push myself then people will see.
Anyway, that's what it's all about, there are a few other pages with my diet, weights, workouts and other information if you want to take a look.
excellent blog, really excited to keep tabs on this as I'm in exactly the same boat as you. I just cut from 15% to 8% using UD2.0 now getting on leangains to get bigger.